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Textbook Chemische Reaktionstechnik

Welcome to the accompanying website for the textbook Chemical Reaction Engineering by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Güttel and Prof. Dr.-Ing. This textbook was published by Springer-Verlag in 2021 and is available both as a print version (ISBN 978-3-662-63149-2) and as an eBook (ISBN 978-3-662-63150-8).

In the following sections of the website you will find the Python source text of the calculation examples from the individual chapters of the textbook, including some explanations that explain the calculation path or some special Python functions.

This section is currently still under construction, which is why the source code of all almost 50 calculation examples is not yet available. The calculation examples are executed in the open source programming language Python and are available in the format of Jupyter notebooks for visualization and own execution and changes. The source code of all example calculations is uploaded to a public Git repository, which can be accessed either with a standard web browser or a Git client. For easier access, specific links are also provided for each example to the services nbviewer and binder services for each example. While the nbviewer service can be used to clearly view the examples from the Git repository in executed form, the binder service also offers the option of temporarily adapting and executing the source code of the examples within a virtual environment.

If you have any questions about the calculation examples or errors, please feel free to contact us at any time!

For a better overview, the calculation examples are divided into the four parts of the textbook:

I Basics (chapters 2 - 6)

II Ideal single-phase reactors (Chapters 7 - 12)

III Real single-phase reactors (Chapters 13 - 15)

IV Multiphase reactors (Chapters 16 - 19)