Bauer, S.; Namyslo, J. C.; Turek, T.; Kaufmann, D. E.
Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Thioindigosulfonic Acids as Electrolytes in an Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battery
ChemElectroChem (2025) e202400623
Enstrup, M. S.; Blume, N.; Sari, N.; Mook, L. M.; Witte, J.; Hoppe, A. C.; Kunz, U.; Minke, C.
Laundry Bleaching: Evaluating the Environmental Benefits of Automatic Dosing Systems with Electrochemical Reactors
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 13 (2025) 1729–1736
Witte, J.; Jordan, P.; Turek, T.
Experimental investigation of OER catalysts under real-life conditions in half-cell setup for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis
Electrochim. Acta. (2025) 145539
Witte, J.; Trinke, P.; Bensmann, B.; Becker, M.; Hanke-Rauschenbach, R.; Turek, T.
Influence of Contact Pressure on Hydrogen Crossover and Polarization Behavior in AEM Water Electrolysis
J. Electrochem. Soc. 172 (2025) 014502
Weseler, L.; Löffelholz, M.; Osiewacz, J.; Turek, T.
Silver-Based Supportless Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Electrochem. Sci. Adv. (2024) e202400012.
Appelhaus, S.; Ritz, L.; Pape, S.-V.; Lohmann-Richters, F.; Kraglund, M. R.; Jensen, J. O.; Massari, F.; Boroomandnia, M.; Romanò, M.; Albers, J.; Kubeil, C.; Bernäcker, C.; Lemcke, M. S.; Menzel, N.; Bender, G.; Chen, B.; Holdcroft, S.; Delmelle, R.; Proost, J.; Hnát, J.; Kauranen, P.; Ruuskanen, V.; Viinanen, T.; Müller, M.; Turek, T.; Shviro, M.
Benchmarking performance: A round-robin testing for liquid alkaline electrolysis
Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 95 (2024) 1004-1010
Söffker, L. F.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.; Arenas, L. F.
Screening of Cation Exchange Membranes for an Anthraquinone-Ferrocyanide Flow Battery
ChemElectroChem (2024)
Bremer, J.; Turek, T.
From Bodenstein to Péclet – Dimensionless Numbers for Axial Dispersion in Chemical Reactors
Chem. Ing. Tech. 96 (2024) 1562–1569
Osiewacz, J.; Ellendorff, B.; Kunz, U.; Turek, ,T.
Best Practices and Common Pitfalls in Experimental Investigation of Electrochemical CO2 Reduction at Gas Diffusion Electrodes
J. Electrochem. Soc. 171 (2024) 103503
Landwehr, L.; Haupt, D. R.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Investigation of Biofilm Formation on Air Cathodes with Quaternary Ammonium Compounds in Microbial Fuel Cells
Fermentation 10 (2024) 408
Park, S.; Shin, M.; Kunz, U.; Kwon, Y.
The Performance of All Iron‑Based Redox Flow Batteries Enhanced by Carbon Nanotube Catalysts
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 41 (2024) 2441-2448
Blume, N.; Turek, T.; Minke, C.
Sustainability Development of Stationary Batteries: A Circular Economy Approach for Vanadium Flow Batteries
Batteries 10 (2024) 240
Küchen, G.; Olszok, V.; Kreitz, B.; Mahr, C.; Rosenauer, A.; Turek, T.; Weber, A.; Wehinger, G.
Spray-dried Ni-Co bimetallic catalysts for dry reforming of methane
ChemCatChem (2024) e202400371
Enstrup, M.S.; Steinmann, J.; Daragan, F.G.; Dangpiaei, B.; Kunz, U.
Influence of Water Hardness and Complexing Agents on Electrochemical Hydrogen Peroxide Generation
ChemSusChem (2024) e202400491
Genthe, S.; Becker, M.; Minke, C.; Turek, T.
Feasibility Study of a Novel Secondary Zinc‐Flow Battery as Stationary Energy Storage System: From Design to Environmental Assessment
Energ. Technol. 12 (2024) 2301639
Genthe, S.; Arenas, L.F.; Becker, M.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
In Situ Determination of the Potential Distribution within a Copper Foam Electrode in a Zinc-Air/Silver Hybrid Flow Battery
ChemElectroChem 11 (2024) e202400062
Osiewacz, J.; Löffelholz, M.; Ellendorff, B.; Turek, T.
Modeling Mass Transfer Limitations Driven by Electrowetting in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction at Silver Gas Diffusion Electrodes
J. Power Sources 603 (2024) 234430
Molina-Serrano, A. J.; Luque-Centeno, J. M.; Sebastián, D.; Arenas, L. F.; Turek, T.; Vela, I.; Carrasco-Marín, F.; Lázaro, M. J; Alegre, C.
Comparison of the influence of oxygen groups introduced by graphene oxide on the activity of carbon felt in vanadium and anthraquinone flow batteries
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 7 (2024) 2779-2790
Hebenbrock, A.; Orazov, N.; Benger, R.; Schade, W.; Hauer, I.; Turek, T.
Innovative Early Detection of High-Temperature Abuse of Prismatic Cells and Post-Abuse Degradation Analysis Using Pressure and External Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
Batteries 10 (2024) 92
Stehle, M.; Lemmermann, T.; Grasser, F.; Adolfs, C.; Drache, M.; Gohs, U.; Lohrengel, A.; Kunz, U.; Beuermann, S.
Innovative reactor design for the preparation of polymer electrolyte membranes for vanadium flow batteries from preirradiation induced graft copolymerization of acrylic acid and AMPS on PVDF
J. Polymer Eng. 44 (2024) 233-242
Lemmermann, T.; Becker, M.; Stehle, M.; Drache, M.; Beuermann, S.; Gohs, U.; Fittschen, U.E.A.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Monitoring of vanadium mass transfer using redox potential probes inside membranes during charge and discharge of flow batteries: An experimental study
J. Power Sources 596 (2024) 233983
Kutscherauer, M.; Anderson, S.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G. D.
A conjugated heat and mass transfer model to implement reaction in particle-resolved CFD simulations of catalytic fixed bed reactors
Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 18 (2024) 2292100
Flaischlen, S.; Wehinger, G. D.
Non-invasive temperature measurement in fixed bed reactors using RFID technology
Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 221 (2024) 125091
Kersebaum, J.; Flaischlen, S.; Hofinger, J.; Wehinger, G. D.
Simulating Stirred Tank Reactor Characteristics with a Lattice Boltzmann CFD Code
Chem. Eng. Technol. 47 (2024) 586-595
Denk, K.; Kodým, R.; Hnát, J.; Paidar, M.; Turek, T.; Bouzek, K.
Mass transfer limitation phenomena across the separator in a zero-gap alkaline water electrolysis stack: Anion–selective polymer electrolyte membrane vs. Zirfon™ Perl UTP 500 case study
Chem. Eng. J. 479 (2024) 147354
Blume, N.; Zielinski, O.; Becker, M.; Minke, C.
Prospective Life Cycle Assessment of Chemical Electrolyte Recycling for Vanadium Flow Batteries: A Comprehensive Study
Energ. Technol. 12 (2024) 2300750
Hoffmann, H.; Kutter, M.; Osiewacz, J.; Paulisch, M. C.; Lechner, S.; Ellendorf, B.; Hilgert, A.; Manke, I.; Turek, T.; Roth, C.
Highly Selective Ag Foam Gas Diffusion Electrodes for CO2 Electroreduction by Pulsed Hydrogen Bubble Templation
EES. Catal. 2 (2024) 286-299
Bockelmann, M.; Becker, M.; Stypka, S.; Bauer, S.; Minke, C.; Turek, T.
Grüner Wasserstoff - Erzeugung von Wasserstoff durch Elektrolyse
Chem. Unserer Zeit 58 (2024) 29-45
Löffelholz, M.; Weidner, J.; Hartmann, J.; Ostovari, H.; Osiewacz, J.; Engbers, S.; Ellendorff, B.; Junqueira, J. R. C., Weichert, K.; von der Assen, N.; Schuhmann, W.; Turek, T.
Optimized Scalable CuB Catalyst with Promising Carbon Footprint for the Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Ethylene
Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action (2023)
Löffelholz, M.; Osiewacz, J.; Weseler, L.; Turek, T.
Enhancing Carbon Efficiency in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction at Silver Gas Diffusion Electrodes: The Effect of Acidic Electrolytes Explained via TFFA Modeling
J. Electrochem. Soc. 170 (2023) 123502
Anderson, S. D.; Kutscherauer, M.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G. D.
Investigating the accuracy of continuum models for the simulation of industrial maleic anhydride reactors: A comparative single particle CFD study
Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 200 (2023) 655–669
Anderson, S. D.; Kutscherauer, M.; Nickel, N.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Wehinger, G. D.; Turek, T.
Phosphorus Dosing during Catalytic n-Butane Oxidation in a μ-Reactor: A Proof of Concept
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 62 (2023) 20142-20151
Emmel, D.; Kunz, S.; Blume, N.; Kwon, Y.; Turek, T.; Minke, C.; Schröder, D.
Benchmarking organic active materials for aqueous redox flow batteries in terms of lifetime and cost
Nat. Commun. 14 (2023) 6672
Flaischlen, S.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G. D.
Local structure effects on hydrodynamics in slender fixed bed reactors: Spheres and rings
Chem. Eng. J. 475 (2023) 146342
Kaiser, M.; Gäde, F.; Brauns, J.; Turek, T.
Enhancing Nickel-Iron Gas Diffusion Electrodes for Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Water Electrolysis
Catalysts 13 (2023) 1266
Caianiello, C.; Arenas, L. F.; Turek, T.; Wilhelm, R.
Characterization of an Aqueous Flow Battery Utilizing a Hydroxylated Tetracationic Viologen and a Simple Cationic Ferrocene Derivative
Adv. Energy Sustainability Res. 4 (2023) 2300077
Genthe, S.; Arenas, L. F.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Back Cover: Long-term performance of a zinc-silver/air hybrid flow battery with a bifunctional gas-diffusion electrode at high current density
Energ. Technol. 11 (2023)
Genthe, S.; Arenas, L. F.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Long-term performance of a zinc-silver/air hybrid flow battery with a bifunctional gas-diffusion electrode at high current density
Energ. Technol. 11 (2023) 2300552
Krewer, U.; Turek, T.
Editorial overview: Porous electrodes for energy applications
Electrochem. Sci. Adv. 3 (2023) e2300001
Turek, T.
Organic catalyst opens way to energy-efficient chlorine production
Nature 617 (2023) 472-474
Brauns, J.; Turek, T.
Model-Based Analysis and Optimization of Pressurized Alkaline Water Electrolysis Powered by Renewable Energy
J. Electrochem. Soc. 170 (2023) 064510
Qi, R.; Becker, M.; Brauns, J.; Turek, T.; Lin, J.; Song, Y.
Channel design optimization of alkaline electrolysis stacks considering the trade-off between current efficiency and pressure drop
J. Power Sources 579 (2023) 233222
Becker, M.; Turek, T.
New mass transport correlation for redox-flow batteries based on model assisted parameter estimation
Batteries 9 (2023) 253
García-López, I.; Arenas, L. F.; Turek, T.; Águeda, V. I.; Garrido-Escudero, A.
Mass transfer enhancement in electrochemical flow cells through 3D-printed biomimetic channels
React. Chem. Eng. 8 (2023) 1776-1784
George, G. R.; Bockelmann, M.; Schmalhorst, L.; Beton, D.; Gerstle, A.; Lindermeir, A.; Wehinger, G. D.
Optimization of metal foam pellet shape in packed beds for improved radial heat transfer using particle-resolved Computational Fluid Dynamics
Chem. Eng. Process 188 (2023) 109397
Richter, O.; Eberle, H.-J.; de Munck, N. A.; Marx, R.; Turek, T.; Mestl, G.
Oxidation of o-xylene and naphthalene to phthalic anhydride – catalyst development (case study)
In: J. Mortier (Hrsg.), Industrial Arene Chemistry: Markets, Technologies, Sustainable Processes and Cases Studies of Aromatic Commodities, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2023
Kutscherauer, M.; Reinold, P.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G. D.
How temperature measurement impacts pressure drop and heat transport in slender fixed-bed reactors
ACS Eng. Au 3 (2023) 45-58
Osiewacz, J.; Löffelholz, M.; Weseler, L.; Turek, T.
CO poisoning of silver gas diffusion electrodes in electrochemical CO2 reduction
Electrochimica Acta 445 (2023) 142046
Bienen, B.; Paulisch, M.; Mager, T.; Osiewacz, J.; Nazari, M.; Osenberg, M.; Ellendorff, B.; Turek, T.; Nieken, U.; Manke, I.; Friedrich, K.A.
Investigating the electrowetting of silver‐based gas‐diffusion electrodes during oxygen reduction reaction with electrochemical and optical methods
Electrochemical Science Advances 3 (2023) e 2100158
Minke, C.; Turek, T.
Techno-economic modelling and evaluation of flow batteries
In C. Roth, J. Noack, M. Skyllas-Kazacos (Eds.), Flow Batteries. From Fundamentals to Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2023
Caianiello, C.; Arenas, L.F.; Turek, T.; Wilhelm, R.
A hydroxylated tetracationic viologen based on dimethylaminoethanol as a negolyte for aqueous flow batteries
Batt. Supercaps 6 (2023) e202200355
Wehinger, G.D.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (2022)
Haupt, D.R.; Landwehr, L.; Schumann, R.; Hahn, L.; Issa, M.; Coskun, C.; Kunz, U.; Sievers, M.
A New Reactor Concept for Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells and Possible Anti-Fouling Strategies for Long-Term Operation
Microorganisms 10 (2022) 2421
Wilde, P.; Özden, A.; Winter, H.; Quast, T.; Weidner, J.; Dieckhöfer, S.; Junqueira, J. R. C.; Metzner, M.; Peter, W.; Leske, W.; Öhl, D.; Bobrowski, T.; Turek, T.; Schuhmann, W.
Sprayed Ag oxygen reduction reaction gas-diffusion electrodes for the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO
Appl. Res. 2 (2022) e202200081
Blume, N.; Becker, M.; Turek, T.; Minke, C.
Life cycle assessment of an industrial‐scale vanadium flow battery
J. Ind. Ecol. 26 (2022) 1796-1808
Müller, M.; Kutscherauer, M.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
Correction to “Improved Kinetics of n-Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride: The Role of Byproducts”
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61 (2022) 14402
Kreitz, B.; Wehinger, G.D.; Goldsmith, C.F.; Turek, T.
Microkinetic modeling of the transient CO2 methanation with DFT-based uncertainties in a Berty reactor
ChemCatChem 14 (2022) e20220057
Kuhlmann, K.; Sinn, C.; Siebert, J.M.U.; Wehinger, G.D.; Thöming, J.; Pesch, G.R.
From μCT data to CFD: an open-source workflow for engineering applications
Eng. Appl. Comput. Fluid Mech. 16 (2022) 1706-1723
Hoffmann, V.; Hoffmann, L.; Schade, W.; Turek, T.; Gimpel, T.
Femtosecond laser molybdenum alloyed and enlarged nickel surfaces for the hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline water electrolysis
Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 47 (2022) 20729-20740
Anderson, S.D.; Kreitz, B.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G.D.
Assessment of Concentration and Temperature Distribution in a Berty Reactor for an Exothermic Reaction
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61 (2022) 10790–10803
Wehinger, G.D.
Improving the radial heat transport and heat distribution in catalytic gas-solid reactors
Chem. Eng. and Processing - Process Intensification 177 (2022) 108996
Wehinger, G.D.; Scharf, F.
Thermal radiation effects on heat transfer in slender packed-bed reactors: Particle-resolved CFD simulations and 2D modeling
Chem. Eng. Research and Design 184 (2022) 24-38
Wehinger, G.D.; Ambrosetti, M.; Cheula, R.; Ding, Z.; Isoz, M.; Kreitz, B.; Kuhlmann, K.; Kutscherauer, M.; Niyogi, K.; Poissonnier, J.; Réocreux, R.; Rudolf, D.; Wagner, J.; Zimmermann, R.; Bracconi, M.; Freund, H.; Krewer, U.; Maestri, M.
Quo vadis multiscale modeling in reaction engineering? – A perspective
Chem. Eng. Research and Design 184 (2022) 39-58
George, G.R.; Bockelmann, M.; Schmalhorst, L.; Beton, D.; Gerstle, A.; Lindermeir, A.; Wehinger, G.D.
Influence of Foam Morphology on Flow and Heat Transport in a Random Packed Bed with Metallic Foam Pellets - An Investigation Using CFD
Materials 15 (2022) 3754
Tengattini, A.; Kardjilov, N.; Helfen, L.; Douissard, P.-A.; Lenoir, N.; Markötter, H.; Hilger, A.; Arlt, T.; Paulisch, M.; Turek, T.; Manke, I.
Compact and versatile neutron imaging detector with sub-4μm spatial resolution based on a single-crystal thin-film scintillator
Opt. Express 30 (2022) 14461-14477
Friedland, J.; Börnhorst, M.; Kreitz, B.; Moioli, E.; Wehinger, G. D.
NaWuReT Colloquium: From PhD Student to Assistant Professor – Early Career Chemical Engineers in Academia
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 94(5) (2022) 629–633
Wehinger, G.D.; Paul,N.; Six,T.; Rix,A.; Knossalla, J.; Franke, R.
Instabilities in Fixed Bed Reactors with Downwards Directed Flow for the Oligomerization of 1-Butene
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 94(5) 2022 663–670
Lemmermann, T.; Becker, M.; Stehle, M.; Drache, M.; Beuermann, S.; Bogar, M.S.; Gohs, U.; Fittschen, U.E.A.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
In situ and in operando detection of redox reactions with integrated potential probes during vanadium transport in ion exchange membranes
J. Power Sources 533 (2022) 231343
Friedland, J.; Turek, T.; Güttel, R.
Study on the tolerance of low-temperature CO methanation with single pulse experiments
Chem. Eng. J. 443 (2022) 136262
Hoffmann, H.; Paulisch, M.; Gebhard, M.; Osiewacz, J.; Kutter, M.; Hilger, A.; Kardjilov, N.; Ellendorff, B.; Beckmann, F.; Markötter, H.; Luik, M.; Turek, T.; Manke, I.; Roth, C.
Development of a Modular Operando Cell for X-ray Imaging of Strongly Absorbing Silver-Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (2022) 044508
Wehinger, G. D.; Kreitz, B.; Goldsmith, C. F.
Non-Idealities in Lab-Scale Kinetic Testing: A Theoretical Study of a Modular Temkin Reactor
Catalysts 12(3) (2022) 349
Löffelholz, M.; Osiewacz, J.; Lüken, A.; Perrey, K.; Bulan, A.; Turek, T.
Modeling electrochemical CO2 reduction at silver gas diffusion electrodes using a TFFA approach
Chemical Engineering Journal 435 (2022) 134920
Daymo, E. A.; Hettel, M.; Deutschmann, O.; Wehinger, G. D.
Accelerating particle-resolved CFD simulations of catalytic fixed-bed reactors with DUO
Chemical Engineering Science 250 (2022) 117408
Müller, M.; Kutscherauer, M.; Böcklein, S.; Wehinger, G. D.; Turek, T.; Mestl, G.
Modeling the selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride: From active site to industrial reactor
Catalysis Today 387 (2022) 82-106
Brauns, J.; Turek, T.
Experimental evaluation of dynamic operating concepts for alkaline water electrolyzers powered by renewable energy
Electrochim. Acta 404 (2022) 139715
Kutscherauer, M.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G.D.
An improved contact modification routine for a computationally efficient CFD simulation of packed beds
Chem. Eng. J. Adv. 9 (2022) 100197
Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Chemische Reaktionstechnik
Springer Spektrum, 2021
Lutz, C.; Hampel, S., Beuermann, S.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.; Garrevoet, J.; Falkenberg, G.; Fittschen, U. E.
Determination of vanadium species through-plane profile in hydrated Nafion studied with micro X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy - proof of concept
J. Synchrotron Radiat. 28 (2021) 1865–1873
Issa, M.; Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Kunz, U.; Sievers, M.
Simple Catalytic Approach for Removal of Analytical Interferences Caused by Hydrogen Peroxide in a Standard Chemical Oxygen Demand Test
J. Environ. Eng. 147(12) (2021) 04021059
Gimpel, T.; Börner, M.; Hoffmann, V.; Lederle-Flamm, M.; Hedin, N.; Schade, W.; Turek, T.; Nilsson, A.; Diaz-Morales, O.
Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction on Femtosecond Laser-Processed Copper Electrodes: Effect on the Liquid Products by Structuring and Doping
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (2021) 5927-5934
Kreitz, B.; Sargsyan, K.; Blöndal, K.; Mazeau, E.J.; West, R.H.; Wehinger, G.D.; Turek, T.; Goldsmith, C.F.
Quantifying the Impact of Parametric Uncertainty on Automatic Mechanism Generation for CO2 Hydrogenation on Ni(111)
JACS Au 1 (2021) 1656-1673
Prumbohm, E.; Becker, M.; Flaischlen, S., Wehinger, G.D.; Turek, T.
Flow field designs developed by comprehensive CFD model decrease system costs of vanadium redox-flow batteries
Journal of Flow Chemistry 11 (2021) 461-481
Muddemann, T.; Neuber, R.; Haupt, D.; Graßl, T.; Issa, M.; Bienen, F.; Enstrup, M.; Möller, J.; Matthée, T.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Improving the Treatment Efficiency and Lowering the Operating Costs of Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes.
Processes 9 (2021) 1482
Lutz, C.; Breuckmann, M.; Hampel, S.; Kreyenschmidt, M.; Ke, X.; Beuermann, S.; Schafner, K.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.; Buzanich, A.G.; Radtke, M.; Fittschen, U.A.E.
Characterization of Dimeric Vanadium Uptake and Species in Nafion™ and Novel Membranes from Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries Electrolytes
Membranes 11 (2021) 57 membranes11080576
Paulisch, M. C.; Gebhard, M.; Franzen, D.; Hilger, A.; Osenberg, M.; Marathe, S.; Rau, C.; Ellendorff, B.; Turek, T.; Roth, C.; Manke, I.
Operando Synchrotron Imaging of Electrolyte Distribution in Silver-Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes During Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Highly Alkaline Media
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4 (2021) 7497-7503
Düerkop, D.; Widdecke, H.; Kunz, U.; Schilde, C; Schmiemann, A.
Low-Cost Membranen für die Vanadium-Redox-Flow-Batterie
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (2021)
Wehinger, G.D.
Young Scientists – Juniorprofessor Gregor D. Wehinger stellt sich vor
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (2021) 1049-1057
Etzold, B.J.M.; Krewer, U.; Thiele, S.; Dreizler, A.; Klemm, E.; Turek, T.
Understanding the Activity Transport Nexus in water and CO2 electrolysis: State of the art, challenges and perspectives
Chem. Eng. J. 424 (2021) 130501
Röhe, M.; Franzen, D.; Kubannek, F.; Ellendorff, B.; Turek, T.; Krewer, U.
Revealing the Degree and Impact of Inhomogeneous Electrolyte Distributions on Silver Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes
Electrochim. Acta 389 (2021) 138693
Schafner, K.; Becker, M.; Turek, T.
Capacity balancing for vanadium redox flow batteries through continuous and dynamic electrolyte overflow
J. Appl. Electrochem. 51 (2021) 1217–1228
Franzen, D.; Krause, C.; Turek, T.
Experimental and Model-Based Analysis of Electrolyte Intrusion Depth in Silver-Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes
ChemElectroChem 8 (2021) 2186-2192
George, G.R.; Bockelmann, M.; Schmalhorst, L.; Beton, D.; Gerstle, A.; Torkuhl, L.; Lindermeir, A.; Wehinger, G.D.
Workflow for computational fluid dynamics modeling of fixed‐bed reactors packed with metal foam pellets: Hydrodynamics.
AIChE J. (2021) e17284
Düerkop, D.; Widdecke, H.; Schilde, C.; Kunz, U.; Schmiemann, A.
Polymer Membranes for All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries: A Review.
Membranes 11 (2021) 214
Frey, J. L.; Vorländer, D.; Ostsieker, H.; Rasch, D.; Lohse, J.; Breitfeld, M.; Grosch, J.; Wehinger, G. D.; Bahnemann, J.; Krull, R.
3D-printed micro bubble column reactor with integrated microsensors for biotechnological applications: From design to evaluation
Sci Rep 11 (2021) 7276
Franzen, D.; Paulisch, M. C.; Ellendorff, B.; Manke, I.; Turek, T.
Spatially resolved model of oxygen reduction reaction in silver-based porous gas-diffusion electrodes based on operando measurements
Electrochim. Acta 375 (2021) 137976
Heisig, C.; Glotzbach, C.; Schirrmeister, S.; Turek, T.
Selective Hydrogenolysis of biomass‐derived xylitol to glycols: Reaction Network and Kinetics
Chem. Eng. Technol. 44 (2021) 761
Dieckhöfer, S.; Öhl, D.; Junquiera, J.R.C.; Quast, T.; Turek, T.; Schuhmann, W.
Probing the local reaction environment during high turnover carbon dioxide reduction with Ag‐based gas diffusion electrodes
Chemistry Eur. J. (2021) 5906 –5912
Becker, M.; Brauns, J.; Turek, T.
Battery‐Buffered Alkaline Water Electrolysis Powered by Photovoltaics
Chem. Ing. Tech. 93 (2021) 655
Kreitz, B.; Wehinger, G.D.; Goldsmith, C.F.; Turek, T.
Microkinetic Modeling of the CO2 Desorption from Supported Multifaceted Ni Catalysts
J. Phys. Chem. C 125 (2021) 2984
Eppinger. T.; Wehinger, G.D.
A Generalized Contact Modification for Fixed‐Bed Reactor CFD Simulations
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (2021) 143-153
Hoffmann, V.; Hoffmann, L.; Schade, W.; Turek, T.; Gimpel, T.
Simple femtosecond laser-based production of enlarged nickel surfaces alloyed with molybdenum, iron and cobalt using aqueous solutions and metal foils
Appl. Surf. Sci. 541 (2021) 148481
Müller, M.; Kutscherauer, M.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
Improved Kinetics of n-Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride: The Role of By-products
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 60 (2021) 218
Brauns, J.; Schönebeck, J.; Kraglund, M. R.; Aili, D.; Hnát, J.; Žitka, J.; Mues, W.; Jensen, J. O.; Bouzek, K.; Turek, T.
Evaluation of diaphragms and membranes as separators for alkaline water electrolysis
J. Electrochem. Soc. 168 (2021) 014510
Flaischlen, S.; Kutscherauer, M.; Wehinger, G.D.
Local Structure Effects on Pressure Drop in Slender Fixed Beds of Spheres
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (2021) 273-281
Bechtel, S.; Crothers, A.R.; Vidaković-Koch, T.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.; Weber, A;.Z. Sundmacher, K.
Advances in the HCl gas-phase electrolysis employing an oxygen-depolarized cathode
Electrochim. Acta 365 (2021) 137282
Lutz, C.; Hampel, S.; Ke, X.; Beuermann, S.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.; Buzanich, A.G.; Radtke, M.; Fittschen, U.E.
Evidence for redox reactions during vanadium crossover inside the nanoscopic water-body of Nafion 117 using X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy
J. Power Sources 483 (2021) 229176
Schmidt, A.; Montenegro, V.; Wehinger, G.D.
Transient CFD Modeling of Matte Settling Behavior and Coalescence in an Industrial Copper Flash Smelting Furnace Settler
Metall Mater Trans B (2020)
Kreitz, B.; Martínez Arias, A.; Martin, J.; Weber, A.P.; Turek, T.
Spray-Dried Ni Catalysts with Tailored Properties for CO2 Methanation.
Catalysts 2020, 10, 1410
Kreitz, B.; Brauns, J.; Wehinger, G. D.; Turek, T.
Modeling the Dynamic Power‐to‐Gas Process: Coupling Electrolysis with CO2 Methanation.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 92 (2020) 1992–1997
Jurtz, N.; Flaischlen, S.; Scherf, S.C.; Kraume, M.; Wehinger, G.D.
Enhancing the Thermal Performance of Slender Packed Beds through Internal Heat Fins
Processes 8 (12), 1528 (2020)
Kreitz, B.; Wehinger, G.D.; Goldsmith, C.F.; Turek, T.
Development of a Microkinetic Model for the CO2 Methanation with an Automated Reaction Mechanism Generator
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 529-534 (2020)
Wehinger, G.D.; Flaischlen, S.
Studying Computational Fluid Dynamics in a New Dimension with Virtual Reality
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 2041-2046 (2020)
Flaischlen, S.; Martin, J.; Kreitz, B.; Turek, T.; Wehinger, G.D.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of CO2 Methanation in a Fixed-bed Profile Reactor
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 499-504 (2020)
Kroner, I.; Becker, M.; Turek, T.
Determination of Rate Constants and Reaction Orders of Vanadium Ion Kinetics on Carbon Fiber Electrodes
ChemElectroChem 7 (2020) 4314 – 4325
Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Engelke, M.; Sievers, M.; Fischer, A.; Kiefer, C.; Filip, K.; Zielinski, O.; Hickmann, T.; Kunz, U.
Combination of magnetically actuated flexible graphite–polymer composite cathode and boron-doped diamond anode for electrochemical water softening or wastewater treatment
Electrochimica Acta 354 (2020) 136729
Martin, J.; Schafner, K.; Turek, T.
Preparation of electrolyte for vanadium redox‐flow batteries based on vanadium pentoxide
Energ. Technol. 8 (2020) 2000522
Bauer, S.; Namyslo, J.C.; Kaufmann, D.E.; Turek, T.
Evaluation of Options and Limits for Aqueous All-Quinone-Based Organic Redox Flow Batteries
J. Electrochem. Soc. (2020) 167 (11), 110522
Friedland, J.; Kreitz, B.; Grimm, H.; Turek, T.; Güttel, R.
Measuring Adsorption Capacity of Supported Catalysts with a Novel Quasi-Continuous Pulse Chemisorption Method
ChemCatChem 12 (2020) 4373–4386
Müller, M.; Kutscherauer, M.; Böcklein, S.; Mestl, G., Turek, T.
On the importance of by-products in the kinetics of n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride
Chem. Eng. J. 401 (2020) 126016
Sinn, C.; Kranz, F.; Wentrup, J.; Thöming, J.; Wehinger, G. D.; Pesch, G. R.
CFD Simulations of Radiative Heat Transport in Open-Cell Foam Catalytic Reactors.
Catalysts 2020, 10(6), 716
Jurtz, N.; Wehinger, G. D.; Srivastava, U.; Henkel, T.; Kraume, M.
Validation of pressure drop prediction and bed generation of fixed‐beds with complex particle shapes using discrete element method and computational fluid dynamics.
AIChE Journal 66 (2020) e16967
Emmel, D.; Hofmann, J. D.; Arlt, T., Manke, I.; Wehinger, G. D.; Schröder, D.
Understanding the Impact of Compression on the Active Area of Carbon Felt Electrodes for Redox Flow Batteries
ACS Applied Energy Materials (2020)
Brauns, J.; Turek, T.
Alkaline Water Electrolysis Powered by Renewable Energy: A Review
Processes 8 (2020) 248
Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Improved Operating Parameters for Hydrogen Peroxide Generating Gas Diffusion Electrodes
Chem. Ing. Tech. 92 (2020)
Heisig, C.; Diedenhoven, J.; Jensen, C.; Gehrke, H.; Turek, T.
Selective Hydrogenation of Biomass-derived Succinic Acid: Reaction Network and Kinetics
Chem. Eng. Technol. 43(2020) 484-492
Wehinger, G.D.; Kreitz, B.; Nagy, A.; Turek, T.
Characterization of a modular Temkin reactor with experiments and computational fluid dynamics simulations
Chem. Eng. J. 389 (2020) 124342
Gebhard, M.; Tichter, T.; Franzen, D.; Paulisch, M.C.; Schutjajew, K.; Turek, T.; Manke, I.; Roth, C.
Improvement of oxygen-depolarized cathodes in highly alkaline media by electrospinning of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) barrier layers
ChemElectroChem 7 (2020) 830-837
Reining, L.; Bockelmann, M.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Kinetics of active zinc dissolution in concentrated KOH solutions
J. Appl. Electrochem. 50 (2020) 149–158
Roy, S.; Kamalanathan, P.; Lehner, P.; Turek, T.; Al‐Dahhan, M.
Effect of phase maldistribution on performance of two‐phase catalytic monolith reactor and its comparison with trickle bed reactor
Can. J. Chem. Eng. 98 (2020) 294-307
Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Jiang, B.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Investigation and Improvement of Scalable Oxygen Reducing Cathodes for Microbial Fuel Cells by Spray Coating
Processes 8.1 (2020): 11
Müller, M.; Junge, K.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
Millistructured Reactor as Tool for Investigating the Kinetics of Maleic Anhydride Synthesis
Chem. Ing. Tech. 92 (2020) 575-581
Becker, M.; Turek, T.
Combination of impedance spectroscopy and potential probe sensing to characterize vanadium redox-flow batteries
J. Power Sources 446 (2020) 227349
Koj, M.; Qian, J.; Turek, T.
Novel alkaline water electrolysis with nickel-iron gas diffusion electrode for oxygen evolution
Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 44 (2019) 29862-29875
Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Electrochemical Reactors for Wastewater Treatment
ChemBioEng 6 (2019) 142–156
Röhe, M.; Botz, A.; Franzen, D.; Kubannek, F.; Ellendorff, B.; Oehl, D.; Schuhmann, W.; Turek, T.; Krewer, U.
The Key Role of Water Activity for the Operating Behavior and Dynamics of Oxygen Depolarized Cathodes
ChemElectroChem 6 (2019) 5671-5681
Düerkop, D.; Widdecke, H.; Schmiemann, A.; Kunz, U.; Schilde, C.
Low-Cost-Membranen für die Vanadium-Redox-Flow-Batterie
Chemie Ingenieur Technik (91) (2019), 1192-1197
Paulisch, M.; Gebhard, M.; Franzen, D.; Hilger, A.; Osenberg, M.; Kardjilov, N.; Ellendorff, B.; Turek, T.; Roth, C.; Manke, I.
Operando Laboratory X-Ray Imaging of Silver-Based Gas Diffusion Electrodes during Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Highly Alkaline Media
Materials 12(17) (2019), 2686
Wehinger, G. D.; Flaischlen, S.
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Radiation in a Steam Methane Reforming Fixed-Bed Reactor
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 583, 114410-14423
Deutschmann, O; Dittmeyer, R; Grunwaldt, J; Kolb, G.; Löbbecke, S; Wehinger, G. D.
Trendbericht Technische Chemie
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 67, 50-58 (2019)
Schafner, K.; Becker, M.; Turek, T.
Membrane resistance of different separator materials in a vanadium redox flow battery
J. Membr. Sci. 586 (2019) 106-114
Flaischlen, S.; Wehinger, G. D.
Synthetic Packed-Bed Generation for CFD Simulations: Blender vs. STAR-CCM+
ChemEngineering 2019, 3(2), 52
Wehinger, G. D.; Kolaczkowski, S. T.; Schmalhorst, L.; Beton, D.; Torkuhl, L.
Modeling fixed-bed reactors from metal-foam pellets with detailed CFD
Chemical Engineering Journal 373 (2019) 709-719
Kubannek, F.; Turek, T.; Krewer, U.
Modeling Oxygen Gas Diffusion Electrodes for Various Technical Applications
Chem. Ing. Tech. 91 (2019) 720-733
Franzen, D.; Ellendorff, B.; Paulisch, M.; Hilger, A.; Osenberg, M; Manke, I.; Turek, T.
Influence of binder content in silver-based gas diffusion electrodes on pore system and electrochemical performance
J. Appl. Electrochem. 49 (2019) 705-713
Gebhard, M.; Paulisch, M.; Hilger, A.; Franzen, D.; Ellendorff, B.; Turek, T.; Manke, I.; Roth, C.
Design of an In-Operando Cell for X-Ray and Neutron Imaging of Oxygen-Depolarized Cathodes in Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis
Materials 2019, 12(8), 1275
Bockelmann, M.; Becker, M.; Reining, L.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Passivation of Zinc Anodes in Alkaline Electrolyte: Part II. Influence of Operation Parameters
J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (2019) A1132-A1139
Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Elektrochemische Reaktoren für die Wasserbehandlung
Chem. Ing. Tech. 91 (2019) 769-785
Prumbohm, E.; Wehinger, G.D.
Exploring Flow Characteristics in Vanadium Redox-Flow Batteries: Optical Measurements and CFD Simulations
Chem. Ing. Tech. 91 (2019) 900-906
Öhl, D.; Franzen, D.; Paulisch, M.; Dieckhöfer, S.; Barwe, S.; Andronescu, C.; Manke, I.; Turek, T.; Schuhmann, W.
Catalytic Reactivation of Industrial Oxygen Depolarized Cathodes by in‐situ Generation of Atomic Hydrogen
ChemSusChem 12 (2019) 2732-2739
Becker, H.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Performance of diffusion-optimised Fischer-Tropsch catalyst layers in microchannel reactors at integral operation
Catal. Sci. Technol. 9 (2019) 2180-2195
Kreitz, B.; Friedland, J.; Güttel, R.; Wehinger, G.D.; Turek, T.
Dynamic Methanation of CO2 – Effect of Concentration Forcing
Chem. Ing. Tech. 91 (2019) 576-582
Haupt, D.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Sievers, M.
Evaluation of a new electrochemical concept for vacuum toilet wastewater treatment – Comparison with ozonation and peroxone processes
Electrochemistry Communications 101 (2019) 115-119
Wehinger, G.D.
Radiation Matters in Fixed‐Bed CFD Simulations
Chem. Ing. Tech. 91 (2019) 583-591
Koj, M.; Gimpel, T.; Schade, W.; Turek, T.
Laser structured nickel-iron electrodes for oxygen evolution in alkaline water electrolysis
Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 44 (2019) 12671-12684
Minke, C.; Ledesma, M.
Impact of cell design and maintenance strategy on life cycle costs of vanadium redox flow batteries
Journal of Energy Storage 21 (2019) 571–580
Kroner, I.; Becker M.; Turek, T.
Monitoring the State of Charge of the Positive Electrolyte in a Vanadium Redox-Flow Battery with a Novel Amperometric Sensor
Batteries 5 (1) (2019) 5
Neumann, M.; Osenberg, M.; Hilger, A.; Franzen, D.; Turekt, T.; Manke, I.; Schmidt, V.
On a pluri-Gaussian model for three-phase microstructures, with applications to 3D image data of gas-diffusion electrodes
Computational Materials Science 156 (2019) 325-331
Kreitz, B.; Wehinger, G.D.; Turek, T.
Dynamic simulation of the CO2 methanation in a micro-structured fixed-bed reactor
Chem. Eng. Sci. 195 (2019) 541-552
Wehinger G.D.; Kunz U.; Turek T.
Reaktoren für spezielle technisch-chemische Prozesse: Elektrochemische Reaktoren.
In: Reschetilowski W. (eds) Handbuch Chemische Reaktoren. Springer Reference Naturwissenschaften. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018
Ke, X.; Drache, M.; Gohs, U.; Kunz, U.; Beuermann, S.
Preparation of polymer electrolyte membranes via radiation induced graft copolymerization on ETFE using the crosslinker N, N’-methylenebis(acrylamide)
Membranes 8 (4) (2018), 102
Muddemann, T.; Bulan, A.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Avoidance of Chlorine Formation during Electrolysis at Boron-Doped Diamond Anodes in Highly Sodium Chloride Containing and Organic-Polluted Wastewater
J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 (2018) J3281-J3287
Bockelmann, M.; Becker, M.; Reining, L.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Passivation of Zinc Anodes in Alkaline Electrolyte: Part I. Determination of the Starting Point of Passive Film Formation
J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 (2018) A3048-A3055
Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Haupt, D.; Sievers, M.
Optimized Process Conditions for Hydrogen Peroxide Generating Gas Diffusion Electrodes
ECS Trans. 86 (4) (2018) 41-53
Botz, A.; Clausmeyer, J.; Öhl, D.; Tarnev, T.; Franzen, D.; Turek, T.; Schuhmann, W.
Local Activities of Hydroxide and Water Determine the Operation of Ag‐Based Oxygen Depolarized Cathodes
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57 (2018) 12285 - 12289
Trinke, P.; Haug, P.; Brauns, J.; Bensmann, B.; Hanke-Rauschenbach, R.; Turek, T.
Hydrogen crossover in PEM and alkaline water electrolysis: Mechanisms, direct comparison and mitigation strategies
J. Electrochem. Soc. 165 (2018) F502-F513
Mögelin, H.; Barascu, A.; Krenkel, S.; Enke, D.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Effect of the pore size and surface modification of porous glass membranes on vanadium redox-flow battery performance
J. Appl. Electrochem. 48 (2018) 651–662
Riede, J.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Critical zinc ion concentration on the electrode surface determines dendritic zinc growth during charging a zinc air battery
Electrochim. Acta 269 (2018) 217-224
Titscher, P.; Riede, J.; Wiedemann, J.; Kunz, U.; Kwade, A.
Multiscale Structured Particle‐Based Zinc Anodes in Non‐Stirred Alkaline Systems for Zinc–Air Batteries
Energy Technol. 6 (2018) 773–780
Mögelin, H.; Yao, G.; Zhong, H.; dos Santos, A. R.; Barascu, A.; Meyer, R.; Krenkel, S.; Wassersleben, S.; Hickmann, T.; Enke, D.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Porous glass membranes for vanadium redox-flow battery application - Effect of pore size on the performance
J. Power Sources 377 (2018) 18-25
Jurtz, N.; Kraume, M.; Wehinger, G.D.
Advances in fixed-bed reactor modeling using particle-resolved computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Reviews in Chemical Engineering 35 (2), 139-190
Minke, C.; Turek, T.
Materials, system designs and modelling approaches in techno-economic assessment of all-vanadium redox flow batteries – A review
J. Power Sources 376 (2018) 66-81
Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Gomes Silva e Silva, L.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Haupt, D.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Graphite/MnO2 and MoS2 Composites Used as Catalysts in the Oxygen Reduction Cathode of Microbial Fuel Cells
J. Electrochem. Soc. Tech. 164 (14) (2017) E519-E524
Bufe, A.; Klee, M.; Wehinger, G.; Turek, T.; Brenner, G.
Three-Dimensional Modeling of a Catalyst Layer with Transport Pores for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Chem. Ing. Tech. 89 (2017) 1385-1390
Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Niedermeiser, M.; Bormann, H; Haupt, D. R.; Schläfer, O.;
Sievers, M.
Effects of Fenton’s reagent and thermal modification on the electrochemical properties of graphite felt for microbial fuel cell
Res Chem Intermed (2017)
Becker, M.; Bredemeyer, N.; Tenhumberg, N.; Turek, T.
Kinetic studies at carbon felt electrodes for vanadium redox-flow batteries under controlled transfer current density conditions
Electrochim. Acta 252 (2017) 12 – 24
Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Haupt, D. R.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Evaluation of Microbial Fuel Cells with Graphite/MnO2 and MoS2 Composite Oxygen Reduction Cathode Catalyst with Different Supports and Producing Methods
ECS Trans. 77 (11) (2017) 1043-1051
Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D. R.; Gomes Silva e Silva, L.; Jiang, B.; Kunz, U.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Integration of Upscaled Microbial Fuel Cells in Real Municipal Sewage Plants
ECS Trans. 77 (11) (2017) 1053-1077
Minke, C.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Techno-economic assessment of novel vanadium redox flow batteries with large-area cells
J. Power Sources 361 (2017) 105-114
Lesser, D.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
Modeling the dynamic behavior of industrial fixed bed reactors for the manufacture of maleic anhydride
Chem. Eng. Sci. 172 (2017) 559-570
Yilmaz, C.; Turek, T.
Modeling and simulation of the use of direct reduced iron in a blast furnace to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
J. Clean Prod. 164 (2017) 1519-1530
Haug, P.; Kreitz, B.; Koj, M.; Turek, T.
Process modelling of an alkaline water electrolyzer
Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 42 (2017) 15689-15707
Hofmann, S.; Turek, T.
Process intensification of n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride in a milli-structured reactor
Chem. Eng. Technol. 40 (2017) 2008-2015
Yilmaz, C.; Wendelstorf, J.; Turek, T.
Modeling and simulation of hydrogen injection into a blast furnace to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
J. Clean. Prod. 154 (2017) 488-501
Bockelmann, M.; Reining, L.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Electrochemical characterization and mathematical modeling of zinc passivation in alkaline solutions: A review
Electrochim. Acta 237 (2017) 276-298
Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Haupt, D.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.; Hofmann S.
Effect of K3Fe(CN)6 on Long-Term Electrochemical Power Output of Four Series Stack MFCs
Int. J. Current Research
Haug, P.; Koj, M.; Turek, T.
Influence of process conditions on gas purity in alkaline water electrolysis
Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 42 (2017) 9406-9418
Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Haupt, D.; Schläfer, O.;Sievers, M.
Evaluation of Microbial Fuel Cells with Graphite Plus MnO2 and MoS2 Paints as Oxygen Reduction Cathode Catalyst
J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017 164(3) H3083-H3090
Minke, C.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Carbon felt and carbon fiber - A techno-economic assessment of felt electrodes for redox flow battery applications
J. Power Sources 324 (2017) 116-124
Li, X.; dos Santos, A.R.; Drache, M.; Ke, X.; Gohs, U.; Turek, T.; Becker, M.; Kunz, U.; Beuermann, S.
Polymer electrolyte membranes prepared by pre-irradiation induced graft copolymerization on ETFE for vanadium redox-flow battery applications
J. Membr. Sci. 524 (2017) 419-427
Shi, L.; Kunz, U.
Mechanical Behavior during Electrochemical and Mechanical Deactivation of an Aged Electrode in a Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell
Energ. Technol. 4 (2016) 1520-1530
Wagner, S.; Oberland, A.; Turek, T.
Analytical Approach for Evaluation of Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
Energ. Technol. 4 (2016) 1543-1549
Friedland, J.; Turek, T.; Güttel, R.
Investigations on the Low Temperature Methanation with Pulse Reaction of CO
Chem. Ing. Tech. 88 (2016) 1833-1838
Hofmann, S.; Bufe, A.; Brenner, G.; Turek, T.
Pressure drop study on packings of differently shaped particles in milli-structured channels
Chem. Eng. Sci. 155 (2016) 376-385
Walter, V.; Pfeuffer, B.; Hoffmann, U.; Turek, T.; Hoell, D.; Kunz, U.
Heterogeneous Reactive Extraction for Isopropyl Alcohol Liquid Phase Synthesis: Microkinetics and Equilibria
Chem. Eng. Sci. 155 (2016) 175-185
Schaub, G.; Turek, T.
Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development, Second Edition
Springer-Verlag, 2016
Mestl, G.; Lesser, D.; Turek, T.
Optimum performance of vanadyl pyrophosphate catalysts
Top. Catal. 59 (2016) 1533-1544
Kuwertz, R.; Aoun, N.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Influence of PTFE Content in Gas Diffusion Layers Used for Gas-Phase Hydrogen Chloride Electrolysis with Oxygen Depolarized Cathode
J. Electrochem. Soc. 163 (2016) F988-F997
Wolf, A.; Turek, T.; Mleczko, L.
Structured Raney Ni Catalysts for Liquid-Phase Hydrogenation
Chem. Eng. Technol. (2016)
Bockelmann, M.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Electrically rechargeable zinc-oxygen flow battery with high power density
Electrochem. Comm. 69 (2016) 24-27
Goldnik, E.; Turek, T.
Removal of hydrogen sulfide by permanganate based sorbents: Experimental investigation and reactor modeling
Chem. Eng. Sci. 151 (2016) 51-63
Kuwertz, R.; Gonzalez Martinez, I.; Vidakovic'-Koch, T.; Sundmacher, K.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Material development and process optimization for gas-phase hydrogen chloride electrolysis with oxygen depolarized cathode
J. Appl. Electrochem. 46 (2016) 755-767
Schöß, M.A.; Schulenburg, F.; Turek, T.
Oxidation of copper at high temperature as an example for gas-solid reactions in a downer reactor - experiments and model-based analysis
Chem. Eng. Sci. 151 (2016) 116-129
Becker, H.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Improving the Accessibility of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Catalysts by Insertion of Transport Pores
In: B.H. Davis, M.L. Occelli (Eds.), Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Catalysts, and Catalysis. Advances and Applications
CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2016
Becker, M.; Bredemeyer, N.; Tenhumberg, N.; Turek, T.
Polarization curve measurements combined with potential probe sensing for determining current density distribution in vanadium redox-flow batteries
J. Power Sources 307 (2016) 826 – 833
Goldnik, E.; Turek, T.
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von reaktiven Adsorbentien – Untersuchungen zum Reaktionsablauf
Chem. Ing. Tech. 86 (2016) 258-263
Aoun, N.; Schlange, A.; dos Santos, A.R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Effect of the OH−/Pt Ratio During Polyol Synthesis on Metal Loading and Particle Size in DMFC Catalysts
Electrocatalysis 7 (2016) 13-21
Blumenthal, L.C.; Jens, C.M.; Ulbrich, J.; Schwering, F.; Langrehr, V.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.; Leonhard, K.; Palkovits, R.
Systematic Identification of Solvents Optimal for the Extraction of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Aqueous Reactive Solutions
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 4 (2016) 228-235
Becker, H.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Experimental evaluation of catalyst layers with bimodal pore structure for Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
Catal. Today 275 (2016) 155-163
Minke, C.; Hickmann, T.; dos Santos, A.R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Cost and performance prospects for composite bipolar plates in fuel cells and redox flow batteries
J. Power Sources 305 (2016) 182-190
Kuwertz, R.; Kirstein, C.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Influence of acid pretreatment on ionic conductivity of Nafion® membranes
J. Membr. Sci. 500 (2016) 225-235
Lesser, D.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
Transient behavior of vanadyl pyrophosphate catalysts during the partial oxidation of n-butane in industrial-sized, fixed bed reactors
Appl. Catal. A: General 510 (2016) 1–10
Becker, H.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Enhancing internal mass transport in Fischer-Tropsch catalyst layers utilizing transport pores
Catal. Sci. Technol. 6 (2016) 275-287
Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Improvement of Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis through Structuring on Different Scales
Energy Technology 4 (2016) 44-4
Shi, L.; Kunz, U.
Characterizing the Mechanical and Electrochemical Behavior of Preloaded Electrodes in Lithium Ion Pouch Cells
ECS Transactions 69 (32) (2015) 9-27
Grimm, H.; Kunz, U.
Continuous fuel cell catalyst preparation in a directly electrically heated tubular reactor
Chem. Eng. Technol. 38 (2015) 1758–1764
Güttel, R.; Eisenbeis, C.; Knochen, J.; Turek, T.
Monolithic Honeycombs in Loop Reactor Configuration for Intensification of Multiphase Processes
Chem. Eng. Technol. 38 (2015) 1726-1732
Schaub, G.; Turek, T.
Zukunftsfähige Techniken zur Energiewandlung und -nutzung - Orientierung und Beispiele
In: M. Maring (Hrsg.), Vom Praktisch-Werden der Ethik in interdisziplinärer Sicht
KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, 2015
Chavan, N.; Pinnow, S.; Polcyn, G.D.; Turek, T.
Non-isothermal model for an industrial chlor-alkali cell with oxygen-depolarized cathode
J. Appl. Electrochem. 45 (2015) 899-912
Minke, C.; Turek, T.
Economics of vanadium redox flow battery membranes
J. Power Sources 286 (2015) 247-257
Yilmaz, C.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Nullemissionen-Kraftwerk zur stofflichen Energiespeicherung sowie Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung
Chem. Ing. Tech. 87 (2015) 419-425
Kruse, N.; Machoke, A. G.; Schwieger, W.; Güttel, R.
Nanostructured Encapsulated Catalysts for Combination of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis and Hydroprocessing
ChemCatChem 7 (2015) 1018-1022
Güttel, R.
Structuring of Reactors and Catalysts on Multiple Scales: Potential and Limitations for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis as Example
Chem. Ing. Tech. 87 (2015) 694-701.
Machoke, A. G.; Beltrán, A. M.; Inayat, A.; Winter, B.; Weissenberger, T.; Kruse, N.; Güttel, R.; Spiecker, E.; Schwieger, W.
Micro/Macroporous System: MFI-type zeolite crystals with embedded macropores
Advanced Materials 27 (2015) 1066–1070
Chromik, A.; dos Santos, A.R.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.; Häring, T.; Kerres, J.
Stability of acid-excess acid-base blend membranes in all-vanadium redox-flow batteries
J. Membrane Sci. 476 (2015) 148-155
Bacher, V.; Perbandt, C.; Schwefer, M.; Siefert, R.; Pinnow, S.; Turek, T.
Kinetics of ammonia consumption during the selective catalytic reduction of NOx over an iron zeolite catalyst
Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 162 (2015) 158-166
Minke, C.; Turek, T.
Technology cycle analysis for emerging technologies on the example of the vanadium redox flow battery
IEEE WAC (2014) 382-387
Schöß, M.A.; Redenius, A.; Turek, T.; Güttel, R.
Chemische Speicherung regenerativer elektrischer Energie durch Methanisierung von Prozessgasen aus der Stahlindustrie
Chem. Ing. Tech. 86 (2014) 734-739
Becker, H.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Optimization of Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis by Introduction of Transport Pores
Chem. Ing. Tech. 86 (2014) 544-549
Bacher, V.; Perbandt, C.; Schwefer, M.; Siefert, R.; Turek, T.
Corrigendum to “Kinetics of the NO/NO2 equilibrium reaction over an iron zeolite catalyst” [Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 134–135 (2013) 55–59]
Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 148–149 (2014) 607
Gonzalez Martinez, I.; Vidakovic'-Koch, T.; Kuwertz, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.; Sundmacher, K.
Analysis of a novel chlorine recycling process based on anhydrous HCl oxidation
Electrochim. Acta 123 (2014) 387– 394
Voelskow, K.; Becker, M.J.; Xia, W.; Muhler, M.; Turek, T.
The Influence of Kinetics, Mass Transfer and Catalyst Deactivation on the Growth Rate of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes from Ethene on a Cobalt-Based Catalyst
Chem. Eng. J. 244 (2014) 68-74
Gonzalez Martinez, I.; Vidakovic'-Koch, T.; Kuwertz, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.; Sundmacher, K.
Kinetics of the hydrogen chloride oxidation
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 78 (2013) 2115-2130
Güttel, R.
Study of Unsteady-State Operation of Methanation by Modeling and Simulation
Chem. Eng. Technol. 36 (2013) 1675-1682
Voelskow, K.; Nickelsen, L.; Becker, M.J.; Xia, W.; Muhler, M.; Kunz, U.; Weber, A.P.; Turek, T.
Optical investigation of carbon nanotube agglomerate growth on single catalyst particles
Chem. Eng. J. 234 (2013) 74-79
Kuwertz, R.; Gonzalez Martinez, I.; Vidakovic'-Koch, T.; Sundmacher, K.; Turek, T.; Kunz, U.
Energy-efficient chlorine production by gas-phase HCl electrolysis with oxygen depolarized cathode
Electrochem. Comm. 34 (2013) 320-322
Knobloch, C.; Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Holdup and Pressure Drop in Micro Packed-Bed Reactors for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Chem. Ing. Tech. 85 (2012) 455 - 460
Perbandt, C.; Bacher, V.; Groves, M.; Schwefer, M.; Siefert, R.; Turek, T.
Kinetics and Reactor Design for N2O Decomposition in the EnviNOx® Process
Chem. Ing. Tech. 85 (2013) 705-709
Güttel, R.; Ziegenbalg, D.; Greiner, L.
Technische Chemie 2012
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 61 (2013) 352-358
Becker, M. J.; Xia, W.; Xie, K.; Dittmer, A.; Voelskow, K.; Turek, T. ; Muhler, M.
Separating the initial growth rate from the rate of deactivation in the growth kinetics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes from ethene over a cobalt-based bulk catalyst in a fixed-bed reactor
Carbon 58 (2013) 107-115
Becker, H.; Turek, T.; Güttel, R.
Study of temperature-programmed calcination of cobalt-based catalysts under NO-containing atmosphere
Catal. Today 215 (2013) 8-12
Bacher, V.; Perbandt, C.; Schwefer, M.; Siefert, R.; Turek, T.
Kinetics of the NO/NO2 equilibrium reaction over an iron zeolite catalyst
Appl. Catal. B: Environmental 134–135 (2013) 55–59
Darwish, M. S. A.; Kunz, U.; Peuker, U.
Hydrophilic functionalized bi-layered polymer magnetic core/shell: preparation and characterization
Advanced Materials Research 622-623 (2013) 254-258
Darwish, M.S.A.; Kunz, U.; Peuker, U.
Preparation and catalytic use of platinum in magnetic core/shell nanocomposites
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. (2012)
Thormann, J.; Pfeifer, P.; Kunz, U.
Dynamic performance of hexadecane steam reforming in a microstructured reactor
Chemical Engineering Journal 191 (2012) 410-415
Schaub, G.; Turek, T.
Globale Stoffkreisläufe als Teil der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen
In: M. Maring (Hrsg.), Globale öffentliche Güter in interdisziplinären Perspektiven
KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, 2012
Vidakovic-Koch, T.; Martinez, I. G.; Kuwertz, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.; Sundmacher, K.
Electrochemical Membrane Reactors for Sustainable Chlorine Recycling
Membranes 2(3) (2012) 510-528
Diedenhoven, J.; Reitzmann, A.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
A Model for the Phosphorus Dynamics of VPO Catalysts during the Selective Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride in a Tubular Reactor
Chem. Ing. Tech. 84 (2012) 517-523
Schlange, A.; Dos Santos, A.R.; Hasse, B.; Etzold, B.J.M., Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Titanium carbide-derived carbon as a novel support for platinum catalysts in DMFC application
J. Power Sources 199 (2012) 22-28
Moussallem, I.; Pinnow, S.; Turek, T.
Development of high-performance silver-based gas-diffusion electrodes for chlor-alkali electrolysis with oxygen depolarized cathodes
Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 52 (2012) 125-131
Harting, K.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Zinc-air batteries: prospects and challenges for future improvement
Z. Phys. Chem. 226 (2012) 1-16
McBride, K.; Turek, T,; Güttel, R.
Direct Dimethyl Ether Synthesis by Spatial Patterned Catalyst Arrangement: A Modeling and Simulation Study
AIChE J. 58(11) (2012) 3468-3473
Schlange, A.; Dos Santos, A. R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Continuous preparation of carbon-nanotube-supported platinum catalysts in a flow reactor directly heated by electric current
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 7 (2011) 1412-1420
Zeng, L.; Turek, T.; Weber, A.P.
Spillover-bedingte Reichweite von aktivierten Sauerstoffatomen in der katalytischen Rußoxidation an Nanopartikel-Schichtsystemen
Chem. Ing. Tech. 83 (2011) 1276-1281
Pinnow, S.; Chavan, N.; Turek, T.
Thin-film flooded agglomerate model for silver-based oxygen depolarized cathodes
J. Appl. Electrochem. 41 (2011) 1053-1064
Jörissen, J.; Turek, T.; Weber, R.
Chlorherstellung mit Sauerstoffverzehrkathoden
Chemie in unserer Zeit 45 (2011) 172-183
Marx, R.; Wölk, H.-J.; Mestl, G.; Turek, T.
Reaction scheme of o-xylene oxidation on vanadia catalyst
Appl. Catal. A: General 398 (2011) 37-43
Pfeuffer, B.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.; Turek, T.; Hoell, D.
Heterogeneous reactive extraction for secondary butyl alcohol liquid phase synthesis: Microkinetics and equilibria
Chem. Eng. Sci. 66 (2011) 777-787
Schaub, G.; Turek, T.
Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development
Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2011
Darwish, M. S. A.; Machunsky, S.; Peuker, U.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Magnetite core-shell nano-composites with chlorine functionality: preparation by miniemulsion polymerization and characterization
J. Polym. Res. 18 (2011) 79-88
Darwish, M. S. A.; Peuker, U.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Bi-layered polymer–magnetite core/shell particles: synthesis and characterization
J. Mater. Sci. 46 (2011) 2123-2134
Knochen, J.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.; Arndt, S.; Scholl,S.; Kampen, I.; Vielkind, M.; Kwade, A.; Ceylan, S.; Kirschning, A.
μ-Consortium: Aufbau einer mobilen Anlage für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Mikroverfahrenstechnik
Chem. Ing. Tech. 82 (2010) 1799-1806
Knochen, J.; Güttel, R.; Knobloch, C.; Turek, T.
Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in milli-structured fixed-bed reactors: Experimental study and scale-up considerations
Chemical Engineering and Processing 49 (2010) 958–964
Sakthivel, M.; Schlange, A.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Microwave assisted synthesis of surfactant stabilized platinum/carbon nanotube electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cell applications
J. Power Sources 195 (2010) 7083-7089
Guettel, R.; Turek, T.
Assessment of micro-structured fixed-bed reactors for highly exothermic gas-phase reactions
Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 (2010) 1644–1654
Cursaru, D.; Kunz, U.
Kinetic Investigation on Direct Hydration of n-butene in a Multiphase Reactor
Rev. Chim. 61 (2010) 1245-1253
Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Flow through reactors for organic chemistry: directly electrically heated tubular mini reactors as an enabling technology for organic synthesis
Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 5 (2009) 70
Eisenbeis, C.; Guettel, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Monolith loop reactor for hydrogenation of glucose
Catal. Today 147 Supplement 1 (2009) S342-S346
Pfeuffer, B.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.; Turek, T.; Hoell, D.
Heterogeneous reactive extraction for an intensified alcohol production process
Catal. Today 147 Supplement 1 (2009) S357-S361
Pfeuffer, B.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.; Turek, T.
Multicomponent Mass Transfer Model for Supercritical Extraction: Application to Isopropyl Alcohol Production
Chem. Eng. Process. 32 (2009) 1384-1391
Thormann, J.; Maier, L.; Pfeifer, P.; Kunz, U.; Deutschmann, O.; Schubert, K.
Steam reforming of hexadecane over a Rh/CeO2 catalyst in microchannels: Experimental and numerical investigation
Int. Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34 (2009) 5108-5120
Deutschmann, O.; Knözinger, H.; Kochloefl, K.; Turek, T.
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Solid Catalysts
Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Electronic Release, 7th ed., Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2009
Moussallem, I.; Pinnow, S.; Turek, T.
Möglichkeiten zur Energierückgewinnung aus Wasserstoff bei der Chlor-Alkali-Elektrolyse
Chem. Ing. Tech. 81 (2009) 489-493
Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Mikrostrukturierte Festbettreaktoren für stark exotherme Gasphasenreaktionen: Eine Machbarkeitsstudie
Chem. Ing. Tech. 81 (2009) 495-500
Güttel, R.; Turek, T.
Comparison of Different Reactor Types for Low Temperature Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: A Simulation Study
Chem. Eng. Sci. 64 (2009) 955-964
Güttel, R.; Knochen, J.; Kunz, U.; Kaßing, M.; Turek, T.
Preparation and Catalytic Evaluation of Cobalt-Based Monolithic and Powder Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 47 (2008) 6589-6597
Moussallem, I.; Jörissen, J.; Kunz, U.; Pinnow, S.; Turek, T.
Chlor-Alkali Electrolysis with Oxygen Depolarized Cathodes: History, Present Status and Future Prospects
J. Appl. Electrochem. 38 (2008) 1177-1194
Güttel, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Reactors for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Chem. Eng. Technol. 31 (2008) 746-754
Mennecke, K.; Cecilia, R.; Glasnov, T.N.; Gruhl, S.; Vogt, C.; Feldhoff, A.; Larrubia Vargas, M.A.; Kappe, C.O.; Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.
Palladium(0) Nanoparticles on Glass-Polymer Composite Materials as Recyclable Catalysts: A Comparison Study on their Use in Batch and Continuous Flow Processes
Adv. Synth. Catal. 350 (2008) 717-730
Thormann, J.; Pfeifer, P.; Kunz, U.; Schubert, K.
Reforming of Diesel Fuel in a Micro Reactor
Int. J. Chem. React. Eng. 6 (2008) P1
Thormann, J.; Pfeifer, P.; Schubert, K.; Kunz, U.
Reforming of diesel fuel in a micro reactor for APU systems
Chem. Eng. J. 135S (2007) S74-S81
Hickstein, B.; Cecilia, R.; Kirschning, A.; Kunz, U.; Peuker, U.A.
Magnetisierbare Funktionspartikel für die festphasenunterstützte Synthese am Beispiel einer Transferhydrierungsreaktion
Chem. Ing. Tech. 79 (2007) 2089-2097
Dräger, G.; Kiss, C.; Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.
Enzyme-purification and catalytic transformations in a microstructured PASSflow reactor using a new tyrosine-based Ni-NTA linker system attached to a polyvinylpyrrolidinone-based matrix
Org. Biomol. Chem. 5 (2007) 3657-3664
Weißenborn, A.; Langefeld, O.; Kunz, U.
Brennstoffzellen für den Einsatz im Bergbau - Innovative Technik mit hohem Potential
Aggregates International 6 (2007) 24-28
Cecilia, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Possibilities of process intensification using microwaves applied to catalytic microreactors
Chem. Eng. Process. 46 (2007) 870-881
Solodenko, W.; Jas, G.; Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.
Continuous enantioselective kinetic resolution of terminal epoxides using immobilized chiral cobalt-salen complexes
Synthesis 4 (2007) 583-589
Güttel, R.; Kunz, U.; Turek, T.
Reaktoren für die Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese
Chem. Ing. Tech. 79 (2007) 531-543
Gläser, R.; Turek, T.; Kamm, B.; Wach, W.
Technische Chemie 2006
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 55 (2007) 297-305
Kunz, U.; Peuker, U.; Turek, T.; Estenfelder, M.
Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts
In: Bröckel, U.; Meier, W.; Wagner, G. (Hrsg.), Product Design and Engineering, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007
Michrowska, A.; Mennecke, K.; Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.; Grela, K.
A new concept for the noncovalent binding of a ruthenium-based olefin metathesis catalyst to polymeric phases: Preparation of the catalyst on Raschig rings
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (2006) 13261-13267
Brochwitz, C.; Feldhoff, A.; Kunz, U.; Vaultier, M.; Kirschning, A.
Comparison and evaluation of two immobilisation techniques for task specific onium salts (TSOS) in Mizoroki-Heck cross coupling reactions
Lett. Org. Chem. 3 (2006) 442-446
Horst, C.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Reactive comminution
In: Sundmacher, K.; Kienle, A.; Seidel-Morgenstern, A. (Editors),
Integrated Chemical Processes. Synthesis, Operation, Analysis and
Control, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005
Jas, G., Kunz, U., Schmalz, D.
Microreactor technology for organic synthesis
In: Afonso, C.A.M.; Crespo, J.P.S.G. (Editors), Green Separation Processes: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2005
Mennecke, K.; Grela, K.; Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.
Immobilization of the Grubbs III Olefin Metathesis Catalyst with Polyvinyl Pyridine (PVP)
Synlett 19 (2005) 2948-2952
Kunz, U.; Schönfeld, H.; Solodenko, W.; Jas, G.; Kirschning, A.
Manufacturing and Construction of Pass/flow/ Flow Reactors and their Utilization in Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-coupling Reactions
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 44 (2005) 8458-8467
Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.; Wen, H.-L.; Solodenko, W.; Cecilia, R.; Kappe, C.O.; Turek, T.
Monolithic Polymer/Carrier Materials: Versatile Composites for Fine Chemical Synthesis
Catal. Today 105 (2005) 318-324
Turek, T.
Kinetic Oscillations during the Catalytic Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide
Catal. Today 105 (2005) 275-282
Schmalz, D.; Häberl, M.; Oldenburg, N.; Grund, M.; Muntermann, H.; Kunz, U.
Potenzialabschätzung der Mikroreaktionstechnik für den Einsatz in der Prozessentwicklung
Chem. Ing. Tech. 77 (2005) 859-866
Roy, S.; Bauer, T.; Al-Dahhan, M.; Lehner, P.; Turek, T.
Monoliths as Multiphase Reactors: A Review
AIChE J. 50 (2004) 2918-2938
Lindermeir, A.; Rosenthal, G.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Improvement of MEAs for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells by Tuned Layer Preparation and Coating Technology
Fuel Cells 4 (2004) 78-85
Lindermeir, A.; Rosenthal, G.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
On the question of MEA preparation for DMFCs
Journal of Power Sources 129 (2004) 180-187
Schönfeld, H., Hunger, K., Cecilia ,R., Kunz, U.
Enhanced mass transfer using a novel polymer/carrier microreactor.
Chemical Engineering Journal 101 (2004) 455-463
Solodenko, W.; Wen, H.; Leue, S.; Stuhlmann, F.; Sourkouni.Argirusi, G.; Jas, G.;
Schönfeld, H.; Kunz, U. and Kirschning, A.
Development of a Continuous-Flow System for Catalysis with Palladium(0) Particles
Eur. J. Chem. (2004) 3601-3610
Lindermeir, A.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Ultrasound assisted electrochemical oxidation of substituted toluenes
Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry 10 (2003) 223-229
Lindermeir, A.; Mecklenburg, A.; Rosenthal, G.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann,U.:
Investigations of catalytic activity of nonnoble metal catalysts for the electrochemical
reduction of oxygen
Chemical Engineering & Technology 26 (2003) 561-564
Schönfeld, H.; Cecilia, R.; Kunz, U.
Reaktionstechnische Untersuchungen und kinetische Modellierung monolithischer Mikroreaktoren mit neuartigen Polymer/Träger-Festphasenreaktanden.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 75 (2003) 1345-1351
Kunz, U.; Schönfeld, H.; Kirschning, A.; Solodenko, W.:
Polymer/carrier composites as materials and reactors for organic synthesis.
Journal of Chromatography A 1006 (2003) 241-249
Lindermeir, A.; Mecklenburg, A.; Rosenthal, G.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Untersuchung der katalytischen Aktivität von Nichtedelmetall-Katalysatoren zur
elektrochemischen Sauerstoffreduktion
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 74 (2002) 788-791
Löning, J. M.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Investigations on the Energy Conversion in Sonochemical Processes.
Ultrasonics-Sonochemistry 9 (2002) 169-179
Solodenko, W., Kunz, U., Jas, G., Kirschning, A.
Polymer assisted Horner/Emmons olefination using PASSflow reactors: Pure products without
Biorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12 (2002) 1833-1835
Limbeck, U.; Altwicker, C.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Rate expression for THF-synthesis on acidic ion exchange resin.
Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 2171-2178
Löning, J. M.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
On the question of the technical synthesis of aluminium alkoxides.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 24, (2001) 1189-1191
Kirschning, A.; Altwicker, C.; Dräger, G.; Harders, J.; Hoffmann, N.; Hoffmann, U.; Schönfeld, H.;
Solodenko, W.; Kunz, U.
PASSflow syntheses using functionalized monolithic polymer/glass-compsites in flowthrough microreactors
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 40 (2001) 3995-3998
Löning, S.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Dewatering of solvent mixtures - comparision between conventional technologies and a new one.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 24 (2001) 242-245
Kunz, U.; Altwicker, C.; Limbeck, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Improvement of active site accessibility of resin catalysts by polymer/carrier composites: Development and characterisation of monolithic catalytic chromatographic reactors.
J. Mol. Catal. A, Chemical 177 (2001) 21-32
Hoffmann, U.; Kunz, U.; Hamelmann, R.
Gasdiffusionselektroden kontinuierlich herstellen.
Chemie Anlagen Verfahren 10 (2001) 46-48
Reinhold, M.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Experimental and theoretical investigation of a spray dryer with simultaneous chemical reaction.
Chemical Engineering Science 56 (2001) 1657-1665
Kunz, U.; Kirschning, A.
A new microreactor for the solution-phase synthesis of potential drugs.
5th International Conference on Microreaction Technology,
IMRET 5, May 27-30, 2001, Strasbourg
M. Matlosz, W. Ehrfeld, J. P. Baselt (Eds).: "Microreaction Technology"
Springer Verlag (2001), 424-445
ISBN 3-540-42498-9
Löning, S.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Entwässerung von Lösungsmittelgemischen - Ein Vergleich etablierter mit einem neuen Verfahren.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 72 (2000) 386-390
Schwarzer, S.; Horst, C.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Revision of microkinetic approaches to the liquid-phase synthesis of Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE).
Chemical Engineering & Technology 23 (2000) 417-421
Löning, S.; Horst, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Theoretical investigations on the quaternary system n-Butanol, Butyl Acetate, Acetic Acid and Water.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 23 (2000) 789 - 794
Mecklenburg, A.; Kunz, U.;Hoffmann, U.
Optimierung der Zerkleinerung von Ferrosilicium 90 in einer Reaktionsschwingmühle.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 72, (2000), 264-267
Mecklenburg, A.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Optimization of the comminution of metallurgical grade (MC) silicon in a vibration mill.
Chemical Engineering & Technol. 2 (2000) 863-867
Kalvelage, H.; Mecklenburg, A.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Electrochemical reduction of oxygen at pyrolyzed iron and cobalt N4-chelates on carbon black supports.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 23 (2000) 803-807
Dietz, P.; Hoffmann, U.; Schönert, K.; Bock, U.; Kunz, U.
Konstruktion verfahrenstechnischer Maschinen, Springer Verlag 2000, 279-329
Hoffmann, U.; Kunz,U.; Barth, H.-J.
Konstruktion verfahrenstechnischer Maschinen, Springer Verlag 2000, 330-365
Hoffmann, U.; Horst, C.
Konstruktion verfahrenstechnischer Maschinen, Springer Verlag 2000, 426-462
Hoffmann, U.; Dietz, P.; Kunz, U.
Konstruktion verfahrenstechnischer Maschinen, Springer Verlag 2000, 463-488
Sundmacher, K.; Uhde, G.; Hoffmann, U.
Multiple Reactions in Catalytic Distillation Processes for the Production of the fuel Oxygenates MTBE and TAME: Analysis by Rigorous Model and Experimental Validation.
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 2839 - 2847
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Design and Operation of a Membrane Reactor for Electrochemical Gas Purification.
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 2849-2858
Horst, C.; Kunz, U.; Rosenplänter, A.; Hoffmann, U
Activated solid-fluid reactions in ultrasound reactors.
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 2849-2858
Uhde, G.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Activity and Selectivity of Macroporous Ion Exchange Catalysts for the Etherification of Olefins.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 22 (1999) 33-37
Gravekarstens, M.; Hoffmann, U.
Einfluß der Dimerisierung von Isobuten auf die MTBE-Produktion bei der reaktiven Destillation.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 71 (1999) 500-502
Gravekarstens, M.; Hoffmann, U.
Zeitreihenanalyse - Eine Möglichkeit, den Modellierungsaufwand hochkomplexer Systeme zu reduzieren.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 71 (1999) 456-458
Mohl, K.-D.; Kienle, A.; Gilles, E.-D.; Rapmund, P.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Steady-state multiplicities in reactive distillation columns for the production of fuel ethers MTBE and TAME: theoretical analysis and experimental verification.
Chemical Engineering Science 54 (1999) 1029 - 1043
Koch, I.; Hannemann, F.; Hoffmann, U.
Dynamische Simulation von Stör- und Betriebsfällen für das Brennstoffsystem eines IGCC-Kraftwerks.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 71 (1999)
Hoffmann, U.;Horst, C.; Wietelmann, U.; Bandelin, S.
Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Sixth Edition, 1999 Electronic Release; WILEY-VCH, Weinheim 1999
Schwarzer, S.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Reevaluation of Microkinetic Approaches to the Liquid Phase Synthesis of Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 71 (1999) 864-868
Rapmund, P.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Mehrfache stationäre Betriebszustände bei der Herstellung des Kraftstoffethers TAME durch Reaktivrektifikation, II. Experimentelle Validierung.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 70 (1998) 527-531
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Macrokinetic Analysis of Polarisation Characteristics of Gas-Diffusion Electrodes in Contact with Liquid Electrolytes, Part I: First Order Reactions
J. Appl. Electrochem. 28 (1998) 359-368
Rapmund, P.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Multiple Steady States in a Reactive Distillation Column for the Production of the Fuel Ether TAME - Part II: Experimental Validation.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 21 (1998) 136-139
Uhde, G.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Aktivität und Selektivität makroporöser Ionenaustauscher-Katalysatoren für die Veretherung von Olefinen.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 70 (1998) 886-890
Kunz, U.
Entwicklung neuartiger Polymer/Träger-Ionenaustauscher als Katalysatoren für chemische Reaktionen in Füllkörperkolonnen.
CUTEC-Schriftenreihe Nr. 34 (1998) ISBN 3-89720-225-5
Sundmacher, K.; Künne, H.; Kunz, U.
Beitrag zur Gelphasendiffusion zum Stofftransport in geträgerten Ionenaustauscherkatalysatoren.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 70 (1998) 267-271
Sundmacher, K.; Künne, H.; Kunz, U.
Contribution of Gel Phase Diffusion to Mass Transfer in Supported Ion Exchange Catalysts.
Chemical Engineering and Technology 21 (1998) 494-498
Reichl, A.; Daiminger, U.; Schmidt, A.; Davies, M.; Hoffmann, U.; Brinkmeier, C.; Reder, C.; Marquardt, W.
A Non-Recycle Flow Still for the experimental determination of vapor-liquid equilibria in reactive systems.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 153 (1998) 113-134
Thiel, C.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Residue Curve Maps for Heterogeneously Catalyzed Reactive Distillationof Fuel Ethers MTBE and TAME.
Chemical Engineering Science 52 (1997) 993-1005
Uhde, G.; Hoffmann, U.
Noncatalytic Gas-Solid Reaktions: Modelling of Simultaneous Reaction and Formation of Surface with a Nonisothermal Crackling Core Model.
Chemical Engineering Science 52 (1997) 1045-1054
Hoffmann, U.; Krummradt, H.; Rapmund, P.; Sundmacher, K.
Erzeugung des Kraftstoffethers TAME durch Reaktivdestillation.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 69 (1997) 483 - 487
Hoffmann, U.; Sundmacher, K.
Multifunktionale Reaktoren.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 69 (1997) 613-622
Thiel, C.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Synthesis of ETBE: Residue Curve Maps for the Heterogeneously Catalyzed Reactive Distillation Process.
Chemical Engineering Journal 66 (1997) 181-191
Bade, S.; Hoffmann, U.
Modelling of the simultaneous comminution and chemical reaction in non-catalytic gas-solid reactions.
Chemical Engineering Science 62 (1997) 2715-2728
Hoffmann, U.; Sundmacher, K.; Nowitzki, O.
Sauerstoffreduktion an Gasdiffusionselektroden mit Nichtedelmetall-Katalysatoren.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 69 (1997)
Mohl, K.D.; Kienle, A.; Gilles, E.D.; Rapmund, P.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Nonlinear Dynamics of Reactive Distillation Processes for the Production of Fuel Ethers.
Computers Chemical Engineering 21 Suppl. (1997) 989-994
Hoffmann, U.; Kunz, U.; Krüger, J.; Binder, C.
ltrasound mixing in particulate precipitation reactions: Fine Solid Particles.
Schwerpunktprogramm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (1991-1997); Shaker Verlag, 1997, ISBN 3-8265-3050-0
Kunz, U.; Künne, H.; Hoffmann, U.
Synthesis of MTBE: Influence of crosslinking and polymer content on activity and selctivity of polymer/carrier ion exchange catalysts.
Erdöl-Erdgas-Kohle 113 (1997) 35-37
Sundmacher, K.; Nowitzki, O.; Hoffmann U.
Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Reaction and Transport Processes During Oxygen Reduction at Gas-Diffusion-Electrodes.
Contemporary Trends in Electrochemical Engineering (Hrsg. I.Rousar), ISBN 80-7080-263-4, UTAX, Prag (1996), 172-179
Nowitzki, O.; Hamelmann, R.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Production of Gas-Diffusion-Electrodes loaded with Non-noble Metal Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction by a Calendering Rolling Process.
Contemporary Trends in Electrochemical Engineering (Hrsg. I. Rousar), ISBN 80-7080-263-4, UTAX, Prag (1996), 227-233
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Development of a new catalytic distillation process for fuel ethers via a detailed nonequilibrium model.
Chemical Engineering Science 51 (1996) 2359-2368
Horst, C.; Chen, Y.-S.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Design, modeling and performance of a novel sonochemical reactor for heterogeneous reactions.
Chemical Engineering Science 51 (1996) 1837-1846
Chen, Y.-Sh.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Modell zur Berechnung der Schalldämpfung in einem Ultraschallreaktor.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 68 (1996) 1287-1291
Thiel, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Zur Frage der chemischen Gleichgewichtslage der Synthese von tert-Amyl-methylether (TAME).
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 68 (1996) 1317-1320
Veit, M.; Hoffmann, U.
Reaktionsmühle für Flüssig/Fest-Umsetzungen zu Grignardverbindungen.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 68 (1996) 1279-1282
Chen, Y.-S.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Einfluß von Mikrojets auf Feststoffe in Ultraschallreaktoren.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 68 (1996) 1447-1452
Bade, S.; Hoffmann, U.; Schönert, K.
Mechano-chemical reaction of metallurgical grade silicon with gaseous hydrogenchloride in a vibration mill.
Int. J. Miner. Process 44-45 (1996) 167-179
Korsten, H.; Hoffmann, U.
A three-phase reactor model for hydrotreating in pilot trickle-bed reactors.
AIChE Journal 42 (1996) 1350-1360
Bade, S.; Hoffmann, U.
Development of a new reactor for combined comminution and chemical reaction.
Chemical Engineering Communications 143 (1996) 169-193
Uhde, G.; Hoffmann, U.
Magnetschwebewaage mit Temperaturmessung in der Probe.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 68 (1996) 425-428
Oost, C.; Hoffmann, U.
The Synthesis of Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME): Microkinetics of the Reactions.
Chemical Engineering Science 51 (1996) 329-340
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Oscillative vapour-liquid transport phenomena in a packed reactive distillation column for fuel ether production.
The Chemical Engineering Journal 57 (1995) 219-228
Korsten, H.; Hoffmann, U.
Hydrotreating hochsiedender Erdölfraktionen in einer neuen Hochdruck-Pilotanlage.
Erdöl-Erdgas-Kohle 111 (1995) 468-473
Horst, C.; Chen, Y.-S.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Design of a sonoreactor for heterogeneous reactions.
Congress Proceedings, "World Congress on Ultrasonics", Berlin, 3.-7. September 1995
Vol.2, 695-698, ISBN 3-9805013-0-2
Chen, Y.-S.; Horst, C.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Method to determine the surface area change rate in heterogeneous reactions under the influence of ultrasound.
Congress Proceedings, "World Congress on Ultrasonics", Berlin, 3.-7. September 1995
Vol.2, 675-678, ISBN 3-9805013-0-2
Sundmacher, K.; Zhang, R.-S.; Hoffmann, U.
Mass Transfer Effects on Kinetics of Nonideal Liquid Phase Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether Formation.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 18 (1995) 269-277
Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Preparation of catalytic polymer/ceramic ionexchange packings for reactive distillation columns.
Preparation of Catalysts VI, 91 (1995) 299-309, ISBN 0-444-82078-7
Kunz, U.; Binder, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Preparation of fine particles as catalysts and catalyst precursors by the use of ultrasound during precipitation.
Preparation of Catalysts VI, 91 (1995) 869-879 ISBN 0-444-82078-7
Oost, C.; Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Synthesis of Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME): Equilibrium of the Multiple Reactions.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 18 (1995) 110-117
Oost, C.; Hoffmann, U.
The Synthesis of Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME): Influence of internal and external mass transfer resistance.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 18 (1995) 203-209
Sundmacher, K.; Rihko, L.K.; Hoffmann, U.
Classification of reactive distillation processes by dimensionless numbers.
Chem. Engng. Comm. 127 (1994) 151-167
Hoffmann, U.; Rieckmann, T.
Reduction of diesel particulate emissions by catalytic filtration.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 17 (1994) 149-160
Hoffmann, U.; Rieckmann, T.; Schädlich, K.
Minderung dieselmotorischer Emissionen durch Kombination von Kraftstoffadditiven mit keramischen Partikelfiltern.
Teil 1: Stand der technischen Entwicklung und Labortests.
Erdöl-Erdgas-Kohle 110 (1994) 163-170
Hoffmann, U.; Rieckmann, T.; Schädlich, K.
Minderung dieselmotorischer Emissionen durch Kombination von Kraftstoffadditiven mit keramischen Partikelfiltern.
Teil 2: Praxistests und Aktivitätsanalyse.
Erdöl-Erdgas-Kohle 110 (1994) 227-232
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
A Macrokinetic Analysis of MTBE Synthesis of Chemical Potentials.
Chemical Engineering Science 49 (1994) 3077-3089
Bade, S.; Hoffmann, U.
Umsetzung von Rohsilicium mit Chlorwasserstoff in einer Reaktionsmühle.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 66 (1994) 66-69
Scholten, J.J.F.; Xu, X.; von der Decken, C.-B.; Höhlein, B.; Mausbeck, D.;Ross, J.R.H.; Slaa, S.; Hoffmann, U.; Kunz, U.; Stölting, H.
Development and screening of selective catalysts for the synthesis of clean liquid fuels.
International Journal of Energy Research 18 (1994) 185-196
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Multicomponent mass and energy transport on different length scales in a packed reactive distillation column for heterogeneously catalyzed fuel ether production.
Chemical Engineering Science 49 (1994) 4443-4464
Ma, J.; Hoffmann, U.
Influence of Fuel-Additives on Combustion of Soot Deposits from Diesel Engine.
Journal of East China Institute of Chemical Technology 19 (1993) 88-93
Kießling, T.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Kreislaufreaktoren mit größerem Volumen.
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 65 (1993) 190-192
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Activity Evaluation of a Catalytic Distillation Packing for MTBE-Production.
Chemical Engineering Science 16 (1993) 279-289
Küchen, C.; Hoffmann, U.
Investigation of simultaneous reaction of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide with hydrogen on a commercial copper/zinc oxide catalyst.
Chemical Engineering Science 48 (1993) 3767-3776
Rieckmann, T.
Zur Frage der katalytischen Abgasreinigung von Dieselaggregaten.
CUTEC-Schriftenreihe No. 4 (1993), ISBN 3-298815-41-5
Schirmeister, R.; Hoffmann, U.
Trichlorosilane Chlorination in a Multiphase Multicomponent Photoreactor.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 15 (1992) 69-81
Flato, J.; Hoffmann, U.
Development and Start-up of a Fixed Bed Reaction Column for Manufacturing the Antiknock Enhancer MTBE.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 15 (1992) 193-201
Sundmacher, K.; Hoffmann, U.
Importance of Irreversible Thermodynamics for Liquid Phase Ion Exchange Catalysis: Experimental Verification for MTBE-Synthesis.
Chemical Engineering Science 47 (1992) 2733-2738
Hoffmann, U.; Dietz, P.
Zusammenwirken von Reaktionstechnik, Verfahrenstechnik und Maschinenbau bei der Entwicklung neuer chemischer Verfahren.
TU Clausthal, Mitteilungsblatt Verein von Freunden
Heft 73 (1992), 27-29
Hoffmann, U.; Rieckmann, T.; Ma, J.
Kinetic Study and Modelling of Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration.
Chemical Engineering Science 46 (1991) 1101-1113
Claußen, M.; Kainer, H.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Apparatus for Steady-State Kinetics Measurements of the Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide by Ammonia in Iron Oxide.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 14 (1991) 39-44
Claußen, M.; Kainer, H.; Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Development of Rate Expressions for the Catalytic Decomposition of Nitric Oxide with Ammonia on Iron Oxide.
Chemical Engineering & Technology 14 (1991) 113-117
Kunz, U.; Hoffmann, U.
Ein Mikro-Puls-Reaktor für das Katalysatorscreening bei Reaktionen unter höherem Druck.
Chemische Technik 43 (1991) 100-105
Everlien, G.; Hoffmann, U.
Reaction Kinetic Determination of Nitrogen Release from Ammonium Bearing Clays and Feldspars - Thermal Metamorphism as a Possible Source of Nitrogen in Natural Gas
Erdöl und Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochemie 44 (1991) 166-172
Brauns, J.; Turek, T.
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der Gasreinheit in der druckbetriebenen alkalischen Wasserelektrolyse
Abschlussbericht zum DFG-Projekt (2021)
Grimm, H.; Kunz, U.
Kontinuierliche Edelmetallabscheidung auf kohlenstoffbasierten Trägermaterialien zur Herstellung von Katalysatoren für Brennstoffzellen
Abschlussbericht zum DFG-Projekt (Ausführliche Fassung, 2015)
Forschungsinstitut ICVT: Mlynek, C.; Turek T.;
Forschungsinstitut VdZ: Harraß, R.; Hoenig, V.
Untersuchung und Optimierung katalytischer Verfahren zur Minderung von Kohlenmonoxid und organischen Komponenten im Abgas von Drehofenanlagen der Zementindustrie
Kurzfassung zu dem aus Haushaltsmitteln des BMWi über die AiF geförderten Forschungsvorhaben 17364 N (2014)
Arbeitsgruppe Energiespeicher: Eignung von Speichertechnologien zum Erhalt der Systemsicherheit
Göttingen: Cuvillier, 2013 – 978-3-95404-439-9
(Schriftreihe des Energie-Forschungszentrums Niedersachsen; Bd.13)
Langefeld, O.; Kunz, U.
Entwicklung von Direkt-Methanol-Brennstoffzellen (DMFCs) für den stationären Einsatz im Berg- und Tunnelbau
Schlussbericht zu dem aus Haushaltsmitteln des BMWA über die AiF geförderten Forschungsvorhaben 14534 N (2008)
Peuker, U.
Filtrationseigenschaften in Abhängigkeit von der flüssigen Phase der Suspension
Schlussbericht zu dem aus Haushaltsmitteln des BMWA über die AiF geförderten Forschungsvorhaben 14421 N (2008)